Friday, September 6, 2013

Dumb truck

I bought Lyla this stupid toy that involves using a magnet pen to move little colored circles onto a grid to make designs and pictures.  "But that sounds so fun."  Shut up, it sucks.  The magnet pen is so weak that it wouldn't even stick to your fridge, so half the time you're pounding on the screen to try to finally attract one of the pieces.

Plus, if you've slid in one of the design cards, which gives you a colored magnet grid equivalent of a paint by number, you have to drag in the inner pieces first and work your way outward, otherwise later you're dragging pieces over other pieces, resulting in pieces sticking together and screwing up your entire monkey or whatever.  Stupid frickin' thing.

So after like half an hour of painstaking piece moving, I successfully made the truck, wheels and everything.  Seriously, I felt like a surgeon after a reconstruction.  "Come here, Lyla!  Look at the truck!  But leave it flat on the table.  Don't shake it."

"Gee, Dad!" I expected her to say.  "Gee!"  But instead:

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