Wednesday, April 24, 2013


"Lyla, you're going to bed early tonight because you've had a hard time listening."

"No!  I don't like that!  It's a trick!"

"A trick?"

"When I say 'No!' I am not tired."

"I beg to differ."


Parenting is SO fun.  Today I found the following note inside Lyla's locker: "Lyla wasn't a good rester at nap.  Did a lot of goofing around."

"Lyla, this note says you were goofing around during nap."

"Well, Lucy was making me."

"Lyla, you make your own choices."


One timeout later, she complained of foot pain.  I told her to run over to the chair, and I'd bring her some Bengay.  Off she ran.

"Lyla, how can you run if your foot hurts?  Does it really hurt?"

"Yes."  Arms crossed, face pouty.  Then:

Face full of marker, black eye turning yellow, no nap, rubbing Bengay onto a foot that allegedly hurts.  "Daddy, this smells like peppermint!"

"Does that make you happy?"


Well, it's something.


  1. Lol So she's saying that when she says NO and doesn't listen, it means she is NOT tired because it's a trick and means the opposite of what you'd thinK it would mean? That's kind of brilliant.

  2. She's saying I'm tricking her by saying something she considers untrue. Not brilliant. :)
