Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Not listening

Those flashcards led me to try to teach Lyla some highly complex mathematical concepts.  "Hey, do you know how to do a problem like five plus eight?"

"Mm."  She scowled at me.

"Think about the number 'eight,' and then start counting five more numbers." Then I counted on my fingers and continued: "Nine, ten, eleven, twelve, and thirteen.  Cool, huh?  See my five fingers?  And how we started with eight and arrived at thirteen?  Eight plus--"

"Hey Rowan!  Hey Mr. Buddy!  Are you going to race those cars?"

"Lyla, I feel like you're not listening to me."

She turned back to me.  "Well, because when you're talking so much, then the person you're talking to will stop listening.  Because you're talking so much."

Couldn't argue with her on that one.

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