Thursday, April 25, 2013

Baby steps

Spring!  Spring-ish, anyway.

Rowan doesn't like to remove his shoes, preferring instead to have Julie or me do it.  He's only two years old, but of course my mind zooms ahead 16 years and sees a young man who refuses to write an annotated bibliography without parental hand-holding.  The horror!

So we've stopped the shoe-assists.  "Figure it out, dude" is the new strategy.  Basically, he hates us.  But luckily, Lyla has decided to tutor him.

"Rowan, you have to try."

"I tan't."

"You do one, and I'll do the other one."

"I tan't."

"Yes, you can."

"I tan't!"


Somehow, he got one off.  "Good job, buddy!"

"Now do the other one."

"I tan't."

"Okay, buddy."

Baby steps.  She'll get him there.

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