Saturday, June 22, 2013

Not exactly rough

Due to an armageddon-like weather forecast, Lyla and I didn't go camping.  Instead, I grilled a beer can chicken.  Recipe: rub spices and butter on it, shove an optimistically half-full can of Premium up its ass, and stand it up and grill using indirect heat.

The kids liked it, and afterward I made them s'mores a la stove.

They have always been highly contemplative dessert eaters.

So we didn't end up roughing it exactly, but at least we avoided lightning strikes and hail concussions.


  1. I can't help but notice that in all the pics you post at the dinner table the kids' plates are full. Do they really eat all that? Prey tell how do you get them to?!?!

  2. Uh...they don't typically eat everything. We try to get them to try everything, at least. I figure it's our responsibility to feed them and their job to eat.
