Thursday, August 22, 2013

Grand Theft Juice Box

That's the Little Farm Hands exhibit at the Minnesota State Fair.  We've been there before:

That's last year.  Oh, and here, before Rowan was born:

So anyway, without getting into too many of the exhibit specifics, the kids get a free treat at the end for the "work" they've done--juice box, whatever.  Except there's a sign that says something to the effect that treats are only for kids ages 3-12.  No exceptions!  It's one of those nonsensical signs that you'd expect a father of a 2.5-year-old to prudently ignore, right?  Well, I did.  See, by that point Rowan was running behind Lyla toward the treats, and suddenly they were headed out of the place, juice boxes in hand.  Below is the email I later sent to the exhibit's coordinator.  In it, you'll see what happened next.

Hi _________________ -

I saw the sign too late in the Little Farm Hands marketplace that indicated only children age 3 and higher were eligible for a treat.  My daughter is almost 5, and my son turns 3 in January.  He walks and talks in full sentences and follows his sister everywhere.  Perhaps you can see where this is going. 

In not my proudest moment, I lied to your worker as my son walked by with a juice box from your marketplace.  "Sir, is he 3?" to which I responded, "He sure is."  She literally shouted after me: "Actually, he is NOT 3!" 

I'll own up to my part in it: I ignored your sign and lied to your volunteer.  I am guilty of juice box theft.  Seriously, say the word and I'll mail you a check.  But it bothers me that your workers helped my young son get his apron tied on, offered to take his picture, got his bucket loaded with eggs and corn, watched as he capably dug a hole for the seed, picked the apple, and then put everything back--a full participant in Little Farm Hands--but then whoa, buddy, no treat for you.  I understand that some parents probably try to abuse the freebies at your exhibit, but good grief.  Why put your workers in the position of feeling like they have to strong-arm the juice boxes out of the hands of toddlers? 

Please put up a sign at the beginning of the exhibit warning parents of this strict, inflexible rule.  Or don't let the under-3-year-olds do any of it--no apron, etc.  Or change the rule.  Thanks for your time.

The response she emailed me was perfect, basically that it was clearly an overzealous volunteer, she was sorry it happened, and so forth.  I harbor no ill will, and I think everyone should take their toddlers to this exhibit; it's fun, educational, and free.  I'll definitely take the kids again next year and think back to when I was an accomplice to grand theft juice box and contributed to the delinquency of a minor.  Next year won't be as thrilling, however, since Rowan will finally be of age. 

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