Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Ranking the kids

Lyla was a much better person than Rowan tonight.  She wins.

"How can you SAY such a--"

Shut up.  Julie's at a work function tonight, so I played solo caretaker and endured Rowan saying, "I wan mo titten nuddets!" approximately 75 times.  That's actually a low estimate.

"Eat your peas and apples first," I said.

To which he replied, "I wan mo titten nuddets!"

"Hey, how about those peas?  Can you try an apple?"

"I wan mo titten nuddets!"


"I wan mo titten nuddets!"

Read this sentence aloud 75 times, with ever-increasing pitch and volume: "I wan mo titten nuddets!"  Better yet, hire somebody with an extremely high voice to read it to you.

Meanwhile, Lyla read a book.  She wins.

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